I entered a short story contest hosted by the author Michelle Rowen. I did not place in the top 5 but that is okay. This was the first time I ever submitted any of my writing for anything.
A little background on the story is that this takes place in the 1950s and is intended to serve as a prologue for a MS that is still in the plotting stages. When this contest cropped up it seemed like the perfect time to write this part out. I am bad with titles so I played with a Christmas Song as the contest did.
Have Yourself a Faerie Little Christmas
Deep in an Irish forest snow fell on the roof of Finn's treetop home. He was lost in thoughts of the human girl he'd met while on his rompu saol, the journey all faerie youth take to make sure they are walking the path they were meant for. Finn had returned three weeks prior and every day that he was home he missed her more. He'd met her his first night in Dublin. He had been so entranced by the lights and sounds that he didn't notice the beautiful girl step from the shop and into his path until he'd knocked her flat.
“Ouch!” said the beauty. “Watch where you're walking!”
“My apologies, my lady,” Finn apologized. “Are you hurt?”
He held his hand out to assist her and she looked up at him, taking his hand. She quickly lost her tongue for he was gorgeous. After she was on her feet she realized that he stood at least two heads taller than her 5 foot 6 inch frame and he looked a lot like the American movie star Paul Newman but darker, a stark contrast to her fair skin and red hair.
He held tightly to her hand and raised it to his lips in apology.
“I am not hurt.”
“May I have your name?” He inquired.
“I'm Maggie Byrne and who might you be?”
He stopped short, remembering he couldn't give his true name or he'd lose his magic forever. “My name is Simon Fay. I’m new to Dublin. Could I possibly trouble you to show me around?”
Every spare moment of the next six weeks were spent together. During the day Maggie worked in a bakery to earn money for Christmas and Finn spent his days learning of the human world. He found it to be far more magical than anything he'd ever seen at home. In the evenings they had long talks, sharing their hopes, dreams and future plans.
It was little wonder that within their first few weeks together Finn and Maggie had fallen deeply in love. Finn was no longer sure that returning home was what he wanted to do and often considered giving Maggie his true name, thereby taking his magic.
On the last night of his rompu saol he and Maggie enjoyed a quiet dinner alone and then he walked her home, through the cold, holding hands, talking and kissing. She knew that he would be leaving the next day. He told her that he needed to go home to see his parents and make decisions about what he wanted to do now.
“I love you Simon and hope that you return to me soon.”
The next day he wanted to say goodbye but couldn't bring himself to do more than watch her through the window. He still wasn’t sure he was doing the right thing. He knew it was expected that he would one day take his father’s place as leader of the fae people but Finn didn’t know if he could give up the love he felt for Maggie. He felt pain at leaving her and reluctantly he stepped into the forest and was enveloped by the magic that brought him home to his village. He was greeted by a warm parental embrace.
The weeks went by with Finn torn between duty to his family and dreams of life with Maggie. He spent most of his time alone, contemplating his choices. His mother, Raisa, knew she could lose him but she would accept his choices. Most fae return from their rompu saol and step into an adult role in the faerie community, some never return and others take time to decide their path. She sensed much was wrong with her young son but knew that she could not interfere as custom dictated each child choose their own path.
Meanwhile in the human world Maggie was missing 'Simon' fiercely. In her world only one week had passed but she kept looking out for him, hoping he'd turn up when she least expected him. He hadn't given any inkling as to when or even if he might return but she had hopes that he would return before Christmas, in three days.
In the fae world another week passed and Finn finally knew what he was to do. He couldn't bear to live another day without Maggie in his life. Leaving his family would be hard but he’d worked out a plan to live nearby to protect them and be with Maggie.
His parents spoke at length of their desire for him to be happy and he assured them that he had found that with Maggie. His mother and father embraced him and clung to one another as they said their goodbyes. With one last look back at his family and friends Finn stepped out of the forest to become Simon once more. He was back in Dublin and it was Christmas Eve. He had his bags packed with human clothing and money in his pockets. In his satchel was a gift for his beloved. He set off for the bakery.
The door chimes let Maggie know someone had entered the store. She felt that flutter in her stomach as she turned around to see 'Simon' standing there and suddenly she ran into his arms. She covered his face in kisses while covering her own in tears of joy to see her love returned.
In his hand he held a simple white box which he handed to Maggie. Inside she found a small piece of paper that read ‘I have nothing to give you for Christmas but myself. If you accept I will stay with you for the rest of our lives. All you have to say is my true name.’ She read this and flipped the paper over, finding his true name. She stepped toward him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
“I love you Maggie Byrne.”
“And I love you....Finn”

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18 December 2009
Short story
Posted by Vanessa at 11:08 AM 4 comments
11 December 2009
Today is a busy day. I overslept and my alarm never went off. I now have to work until 3 while getting my house clean. I am also awaiting a delivery of heating oil so my house can stay toasty. I then have to get a shower and get ready to go to my grandfather's layout/viewing and go to that which I'm not looking forward to. It's going to be a very rough place to be.
Posted by Vanessa at 10:26 AM 0 comments
09 December 2009
Major update
It's been almost 2 months since I've posted any sort of update. A couple of weeks after I posted previously things in my world got a little topsy turvy with the notification that my grandfather, who I love so much and who had a hand in raising me, would be going into hospice care. He went in on October 29th and passed away yesterday. Yes I am upset and hurting over it but his mind is clear now and he's no longer in pain. I will miss him the rest of my life but I'm luck to have had him as long as I did.
While he was ill I mostly put writing aside. It's hard to motivate to write a love story when a part of you is miserable. I did write a short story related to a potential future book. The story was submitted to a holiday short story contest, the results of which will not be available until the 20th. If I place in the top three my story will be posted on the author's website. I'm excited and nervous as I've never shared my writing with anyone outside of my circle of friends and family so it's a bit scary to share in an arena where I will be judged. The contest is open to published and unpublished authors so that makes it even scarier.
Another thing going on is that I have fallen off track with my weight loss again. I had sort of gotten on track again but the fibromyalgia sidelined me again as well as a problem with my heel that has left me unable to wear running shoes for a couple of weeks. The doctor said if it's not better by January that she will X-ray it to be sure I don't have heel spurs. I'll be starting a new fibromyalgia medication tonight...hopefully we'll get it under control and I can start losing weight.
Things have been wild that's for certain. They will calm down but I will still mourn the loss of my Papaw. I just know he's okay now and I can stop worrying for him.
Posted by Vanessa at 1:33 PM 0 comments