Well my best friend and her daughter came last weekend and we were so busy and I didn't make the greatest food choices. I gained nearly 3 pounds on top of my previous gains. I am now back to where I was in March. I will not beat myself up and I do not think I failed. I have just hit a snag and I will fix it. I am starting over tomorrow. Weigh ins will now be on Sunday's beginning tomorrow and I will be working with a friend to track my food. My car is also fixed and so I'll be going back to the gym on a more regular basis. I'm very excited about my 'reboot' tomorrow and will probably blog about it mid week or so.
I'm going to go off on a bit of a rant here and if you don't like it so be it.
One of the issues I have with the online weight loss community is that it becomes a popularity contest. I'm not trying to be popular because the more 'friends' you make the harder it is to create a meaningful thing. What I want to find via this crazy WLC is people to actually care about me and me care about them. If you make 1500 friends from it you're not going to be bonding in a meaningful way. It just bothers me...'follow me, follow me...prize to my *** follower.' Seriously people it's about weight loss numbers not follower numbers.
Another thing that really really pisses me off is that a lot of the people who are 'popular' in the WLC are not worth it. Seriously...I want to look up to someone who is eating healthy and exercising and not sitting in a bar smoking and drinking. If I wanted that I'd go down the street and tell my weight loss troubles to the town drunk. Unless you and I are talking away from the WLC please there is a short list of things I do not want to know.
1. Sex life - whether or not you have one is not my business if we're only on a screen name basis.
2. Bathroom habits - I don't care how close we become I don't need to know how often you go and what consistancy it is.
This is the short list but it is constantly being added to.
I want the people I look up to to eat healthy, exercise regularly and even fail sometimes. In other words, I want you to be real and not just popular because you pimped yourself to the internets in an effort to be the most watched person there is.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Calorie Counter
18 July 2009
time flies...
Posted by Vanessa at 1:26 PM 0 comments
11 July 2009
I know I haven't been blogging a lot lately but I've been saving my time to work on the book. I hit 10k words, shared with a couple of beta readers who gave great feedback...I'm excited.
I won't be around much in the next few days. My friend and her daughter are coming in this afternoon and will be here until Thursday. I work Wednesday but am off for the next 4 day...glorious. We have a slightly busy yet lazy schedule that includes movie watching at my house, going to the movies, hitting the gym, going to my mothers and maybe some book reading.
Posted by Vanessa at 10:50 AM 0 comments
07 July 2009
I have been so incredibly busy lately and I'm not even quite sure what I was doing. I do know that I've written a lot. I have made 13 pages of progress to my 70 pages planned for July. I have changed that goal to hitting 100 pages instead which is an additional 59 from where I am so the total pages will be 72 in July instead.
I haven't made it back to the gym to do c25k since Thursday but I think I will be going today and again on Thursday and I'll try to go on Saturday morning before I go pick Taryn and Emily up at the bus station.
This week I have to get things ready for their visit. I haven't seen them in almost 2 years. We have a nice relaxing time planned although I do have to work a little bit on their last full day here.
I think we'll be going to the gym and taking a water aerobics class while she's here but I do plan to continue my c25k as well. I'm looking forward to my next run.
Posted by Vanessa at 10:55 AM 0 comments
02 July 2009
July 2009
So I think it's time to set some goals for this month. I have made a list and then I will explain the reasoning behind each.
1. To reach 215 pounds (last June weigh in was 224.7).
2. To cut out my flavor packet consumption down to 1 per day.
3. Finally try water aerobics.
4. Create a bucket list.
5. Write at least 70 pages on my novel in the month of July.
Goal #1
In January I was 236, going back to September the same. I've been struggling to lose weight, mostly due to lack of exercise. I'm tired of this. I have lost 11.3 pounds, although my last weigh in was at TOM so there was water weight, in the last 7 months. I want to finally be able to say I've lost MORE than 20 pounds. I will be hitting the gym more regularly and I have 2 new walk away the pounds videos and another to help me work out at home. I have found the right location to do my Couch to 5k running and I'm ready to go.
Goal #2
When I gave up pop I switched to water but I like flavor and so I started getting these generic Crystal Light drinks. They are no sugar and no caffeine and only 5 calories for a 16 oz drink but I'd like to just drink plain water at least 90% of the time.
Goal #3
I've belonged to a gym for 18 months now and since day 1 have said I wanted to take a class but never have. When my bestest friend comes to town we're going to take a class while she is here. I am looking forward to this.
Goal #4
There are so many things I want to do in my life and I want to make a list of those things and get started on finishing them. Wales here I come...anyone want a temporary roommate in Wales :)
Goal #5
The number one item that will go on my bucket list will be to finish my FIRST novel (there will be many with any luck) and so completing 70 pages will go a fair distance toward completing that goal.
So anyway, those are my goals and I'm looking forward to checking in at the end of the month with an update on my progress...and feel free to ask me about my progress throughout the month.
Posted by Vanessa at 2:35 AM 0 comments