So instead of doing the journal the other night I just went to bed. By the time I got in the room with my supplies I realized I'd forgotten the book I needed and just said forget it. I WILL do it tonight. I'll also go through my notes and add them to the story as I've written it so far. I just haven't had a chance. Friday I worked until about 6 and then had some errands to run and just laid in the porch swing when I got back. Yesterday I spent most of the day cleaning and decided to catch up on some DVDs I've been meaning to get to. I suppose I could have done it while watching the DVDs but felt like I didn't want to. Today I have to finish some laundry and go to some gathering up the road later for a couple of hours. After having my mother read my changes I have some ideas brewing in my head but no real decisions as of yet. I don't know. Part of me thinks I need to listen to her exactly and please her or I won't be able to please any potential readers and the rest of me thinks this is my story and it'll play out as it's meant to. I'm just not sure at all because things keep repeatedly changing anyway so who is to know if anything I've written so far will even stay in the book in the end.

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29 May 2008
28 May 2008
Well I've spent approximately an hour editing and making updates to the story. Let me just say I do not know if I could do this at all without google maps. It's hard enough to write a story that is local. Just imagine writing one in a city you've never set foot in, may never set foot in. I had planned to spend a bit more time writing today but I sat outside for a bit, watched a movie and played on google maps and wikipedia looking up things to add to my book. I am planning to devote some time to going through my travel books and updating my inspiration book as well. I'm starting to feel a bit tired so I guess I should go start leafing through the travel guides to see what inspires me.
Posted by Vanessa at 11:54 PM 0 comments
true madness
After many wasted hours I have finally managed to link to this blog from my myspace profile. I deleted my facebook profile. I added a stat tracker that will not track my visits so I can see if I'm being read. I've gone to the post office to get a box full of junk mail. I've made Elijah toast and waffles and gotten him multiple cups of milk, listened to him complain because we aren't getting our Nintendo back since we donated it to the fire department (AKA dad took it to work). Now I'm going to turn him on some more Caillou and get busy with work.
Posted by Vanessa at 12:34 PM 1 comments
inspiration journal
I previously neglected to mention/photograph my inspiration book. It is a pretty notebook that I scribble notes about my characters in and glue in pictures that I find inspiring to my story. I am currently too lazy to photograph it so I will do that another time.
Posted by Vanessa at 12:02 AM 0 comments
27 May 2008
first entry + writing process
I have always aspired to write. Writing short stories is something I have done as long as I can remember. In October I started to watch the BBC series Doctor Who starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. I started to see scenery in and around Cardiff, Wales. That's when the story started to form in my head. Now before you get the wrong idea I am not writing a science fiction story even though science fiction is what inspired me to write it. I've always had an interest in the UK and Ireland, particularly Ireland until the Doctor came into my life.
On to my research. I have a large canvas bag and in that bag are 2 large binders, a small binder, a folder, an atlas, a notebook, a small notebook that I should really carry in my purse and a book about golfing in Wales. I also got a dozen more brochures today. The small binder is full of scrap paper to write in. The two large binders and the folder are full of travel guides I've ordered from the UK and a few other places. I must say I'm really interested in going to New Zealand and Iceland now as well. I have written a bit of the book and done research into finding an agent and even figured out what agent I'd like to go for first. I just feel like I don't have everything I need material wise in order to have all the research done.
I have been talking to my old friend Amber again and she has been most helpful. I also talk to my new friend, who Amber introduced me to, Matt who actually lives in Wales. Not to mention Taryn and Sandie and my mom reading what I've written and telling me what they think. I hope to really start spending a bit of time every day working on this novel so that I can get this story out of my head. It's just such an electric feeling to have people buzzing in your head all the time.
Posted by Vanessa at 9:50 PM 1 comments