I got an email back from the animal rescue that they will not allow me to adopt through them due to lack of a vet reference. They made suggestions on ADULT cats which is NOT what I want. I am very sad about it.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Calorie Counter
28 November 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Hope everyone had a great holidy. I was sick and spent the day in bed. I woke up at noon and went to sleep at 7ish and woke up at midnight and haven't been able to go back to sleep. I was unable to eat and just felt horrible all day. I still have a bucket by my side. I tried to cook dinner but had to hand the reins over because all of the smells made my stomach do backflips. I feel a bit better but my stomach is very sore and I'm tired but can't sleep due to the stomach pains. I am hopeful tomorrow I feel better because I need to do some housework.
Since I don't have a job and jobs aren't available right now I've decided to go room by room in the house and tear it apart and clean it really well. Yesterday I did this room. This is my office/dining room and I couldn't move my desk but I moved everything else, cleaned all the cabinets and the closet. I spent about 4 or 5 hours in total on this room. Heck just my desk has a dozen nooks on it that had to be cleaned out and sorted. I shredded private papers. I am thinking about starting to collect all the paper we would throw away and taking it to the paper recycling bin at the school or the library.
Anyway, I'm going to go lay down on the couch under a ton of blankets and attempt to fall asleep.
Posted by Vanessa at 2:25 AM 0 comments
26 November 2008
the cats
This is Ariel. Isn't she a beautiful little girl? I said I wanted a tiger striped cat and she has that but she's more of the white. She is gorgeous and they say she loves people and in this house that's a plus.
This is Autumn, the one they identify as special needs. She's not classified as a kitten but as 'young' and that's fine too. They don't say exactly what makes her special needs but the wording of her ad makes it sound as if she is very needy and they say she is scared of open doors. I feel I have the time and love to give to a cat like that. She is beautiful with all of her colors.
And this is Mia and she is exactly what I am looking for. She's cute and tiny and I'd really love to have her. I want a baby kitty who can just come home and play and cuddle and just be young enough that her personality is still forming.
Now hopefully they'll call me tomorrow
Posted by Vanessa at 1:02 AM 0 comments
25 November 2008
I am no longer working at the store AGAIN. I am unsure if the place is even open anymore. The last few times I've gone by it wasn't open. The expectations he had of me were unreasonable, such as working for free for now. I just can't do that, bills to pay, food to eat. It wasn't a bad experience but it just wasn't a great one either. The unfortunate problem is that there aren't any jobs in transcription right now. We are fine without it right now.
So I finally feel like I can have a cat again. It was rough when I lost Minnie and no one really got it. I had her from the time I was 7 until I was 21 when she wandered off. I loved that cat so much and she was my baby and then she was gone. I didn't like the idea of having another pet until this last week. Friday we were at the pet store and they had kittens there and I just kept petting them. I started looking on petfinder and found a few cats I wish I could take and filled out an application to take 1 of them but have yet to hear anything back. I should probably hear something today. I do know that I want a girl cat. My plan was to name her 'Miss Kitty Fantastico' after Willow and Tara's cat on Buffy but Elijah can't say it and I don't want to shorten it so I am going to change the name. I have a poll up with the ones I like. I am most leaning toward Marley at this time. I really want to adopt 1 from this animal rescue up the road but they want a vet reference which I do not have since I have not had a pet of my own in 9 years and she was taken care of by my grandparents. I am hopeful that I will get 1. They have names through the rescue and I'll mention what I know about each of them. All 3 are fixed, up to date on routine shots, been frontline treated, tested negative for feline HIV/leukemia and come with a 4 lb bag of food.
There is Ariel. She is 5 months old and a tabby mix, mostly white. They say she is very affectionate and playful.
Then you have Autumn. They list her as special needs and as a kitten. She is a British Shorthair Calico mix and is black, tan and white. They say this about her:
This cat is just stunning...she is funny and full of surprise and mischief! She hates outside and is just scared of open doors. She is loving and sweet. She often jumps in my lap to share or try to share my morning cup of coffee. She is persistent. She follows her foster people everywhere. Take a bath, she plays in the water. Go into the closet, she is waiting when you come out. Walk into the garage, she is there when you return. Autumn deserves a family who can allow her to be the awesome companion that she is.
The last kitten is Mia and she is the one I lean most toward. She's a cute little tabby baby. She is not yet 3 months old. All they say about her is that she's very energetic and fun loving. She's gorgeous.
I am hopeful that I hear something back from them today. I am worried because of the vet reference but I told them where I intend to take the cat for care and so I'm really really hopeful about this.
Okay so I haven't got much else to talk about.
Posted by Vanessa at 10:55 AM 0 comments
24 November 2008
Okay I totally screwed up and didn't blog as I should have. Things were crazy for me and I just didn't have time or anything to say. I will try the challenge again in December.
I am going to go watch One Tree Hill now and will do a more in depth blog tomorrow.
Please vote in my poll
Posted by Vanessa at 9:08 PM 0 comments
20 November 2008
19 November 2008
day 19
A real entry today. Today I didn't work. I got up, did some cleaning, went shopping. I paid a lot of bills today too. I got everything to make pie for Sunday which is when we're doing family Thanksgiving. I think my van is getting fixed this weekend too.
Plans for the weekend?
Friday I probably work all day and then in the evening I'll do very little, probably go to the gym. Saturday I am going to see Twilight with Jonathan and then Eric is going to a UC football game. Sunday we're going to this family Thanksgiving but it's later in the dya so I'll probably hit the gym, make a pie and then party.
Tonight for dinner I'm getting pizza for the boys and a hoagie for me. I am making a pot of chili to take to the FD for Eric and George.
Posted by Vanessa at 4:53 PM 0 comments
18 November 2008
day 18
Okay so yesterday was just crap but I had to post something. I worked today. I'm still cold. 2 days of cold is just YUCK.
I met a woman a couple weeks ago but really got to talk to her today and her name is Brenda. I found out she is published which was great. It's nice to meet someone with similar interests. Okay off to eat a cookie. I'll blog better tomorrow. Shame on me poor blog.
Posted by Vanessa at 7:45 PM 0 comments
17 November 2008
16 November 2008
day 16
Tomorrow I start back at the deli but I'll be in charge. The owner will help out but it will mostly be me running it. I'm excited and I have a lot of ideas I want to put into it. There will be a sit down place to eat now and hopefully it all works really well. I am so excited. I plan to reward myself by seeing Twilight next weekend :)
Posted by Vanessa at 3:25 PM 0 comments
15 November 2008
day 15
Halfway there. I have once again changed my layout and I think I like it better, especially the quote.
Speaking of quotes I was watching tv today and while cahnnel flipping heard this quote on a Disney movie: "What does it mean when your train of thought wrecks?" I really liked it and I think that's kind of how I feel today. Fibro is acting up but I guess that's probably the 30 degree temperature drop from yesterday. My legs are impossibly sore. I find that my hip to my knee on the right leg is worst.
I really wish I could set this blog to show my music I'm listening to like other's do. I'll just say I'm listening to Mika - Love Today which makes me kinda feel like dancing.
Today has been rather boring. I cleaned...and cleaned, ran some errands. I'm currently making a grocery list for this week coming and I'll go shopping on Wednesday. I need to paint my nails.
Posted by Vanessa at 8:16 PM 0 comments
14 November 2008
expanding posts
Luckily for anyone NOT wanting to read a long post or the ability to have less on my main page I FINALLY (with help) figured out how to add the codes to allow for expanding posts...YIPPEE!!! Unfortunately it adds the Read More to every post
Posted by Vanessa at 7:30 PM 0 comments
day 14
Okay so today's posting might not be very upbeat but oh well. I am a bit angry and hurt by the events of today and I really need to vent and get it off my chest.
I went to the school today for an IEP meeting with the speech therapist regarding Riley. I rang the buzzer and was let in and as I came in a woman was coming out so I held the door for her. She ignored me and went out the other door. As I left another person was coming in the second doors and I held it and he totally ignored me.
I left the school and went to the library where again I was ignored when holding the door for someone. I went over to the gas station and some guy cut in front of me in line and the cashier told him to get behind me because I had been there first.
When I got fat did I just get invisible? I remember going out with Tina when I was 160 pounds, I thought I was fat, and some guy stopped his car in the middle of a parking lot and got out of it to come tell me I was hot. I don't want that kind of attention but when did I just become invisible. People are rude and mean and ignore me when I attempt to be helpful and it just hurts. It angers me to no end and I find it completely unfair and insightful.
Posted by Vanessa at 3:48 PM 2 comments
13 November 2008
day 13 aka Supernatural Thursday
Okay so last nights music post was a little extreme for even me. I normally don't do things like that and should probably have posted it to myspace instead but oh well.
So today I almost got hit. It would have been a very ugly situation if I had. I was at the stoplight leaving the library and it turned green, I waited a few seconds and went. Here comes this little silver car out of nowhere and just flew through the light. Luckily it's 4 lanes with the suicide lane in the middle up there so he went around but he was going 45-50 I'd guesstimate and he'd have hit my door and it would have been bad. It scared the hell out of me. If I were still a smoker I'd have chainsmoked 1/2 a pack.
I went to the library this morning and picked up 2 books by a name named Stephen Lawhead. They are his version of Robin Hood and there are 3 books, only 2 out so far. I picked both up as well as the series 2 dvd set of Robin Hood the BBC series. I am going to have a Robin Hood weekend.
Posted by Vanessa at 1:48 PM 1 comments
12 November 2008
never done this
Because I'm totally bored I thought I would copy this over from my friend Angie's (Annie...she'll always be Annie to me) livejournal
Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal
If someone says "Is this okay?" You say...?
Take me on the floor - The Veronicas
How would you describe yourself?
Gallery - Mario Vazquez
What do you like in a guy?
Wondering - Good Charlotte
How do you feel today?
Overpopulated - Bethany Joy Galleoti
What is your life's purpose?
Dreams in Digital - Orgy
What is your motto?
Owning my Mistakes - Anthony Stewart Head
What do your friends think of you?
Smile - Ghost of the Robot
What do you think of your parents?
Don't You Know who I think I am - Fall Out Boy
What do you think about very often?
Home - Westlife
What is 2+2?
Someday - Bryan Greenberg
What do you think of your best friend?
Naive - The Kooks
What do you think of the person you like?
Insomnia - Craig David (my favorite song at the moment)
What is your life story?
Hear You Me - Jimmy Eat World (quite possibly my favorite song ever)
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Oh Yeah - The Cliks
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Take me there - Rascall Flatts
What will they play at your funeral?
James Bond - Scouting for Girls
What is your hobby?
Rockferry - Duffy
What is your biggest fear?
Kiss on Me - Tyler Hilton
What is your biggest secret?
Honestly - Bethany Joy Galleoti
What do you think of your friends?
La Vie Boheme - Rent Movie Soundtrack
What will you post this as?
Say Yes - Elliott Smith
Posted by Vanessa at 11:39 PM 0 comments
I finally managed to add all but 1 blog I read to my follow list and therefore I won't have to look at everyones blog to see if they posted and will instead be able to just log into mine and see that they did.
Posted by Vanessa at 7:55 PM 0 comments
day 12
Well I decided this morning that since I have made the choice to restart my diet/exercise plan beginning today I would reweigh and measure despite saying I would NOT weigh in for 2 weeks. I have maintained my weight and even lost inches still. In the last 2 months, my original start date was 09/10, I have lost 14 pounds, 2 points on the BMI, 7" in waist, 3.5" each in the hips and chest, 1" each in the thigh and calf, went up .5" in the bicep and am down .5" in the neck. If you figure all that together I have lost 16" total in just 2 months. I am really happy about that.
Today's exercise will be a major cleaning of the house. I'll plug my mp3 player in and get to it. There is only 1 room that I don't have to touch except to sweep and that's my room. I keep it clean because I hate clutter but for some reason I've just been too blah to clean lately. I also started reading again. I once read that if you want to be a writer one of the most important things you can do is keep reading. I am a reading fiend and I had just gotten out of it and at the same time I wasn't doing well with my writing. However, now that I'm reading I am definitely excited about writing again.
Last night I didn't write and I still haven't put anything into the PC and taken it off paper but I will likely do that tomorrow since I plan to do some more writing tonight after everyone is asleep. I like to curl up somewhere in the house with my mp3 player and my inspiration journal. I'll prop the book open on a page that just makes my creative juices flow and write.
Okay I suppose I should get to work on cleaning the house.
Posted by Vanessa at 3:29 PM 0 comments
11 November 2008
Day 11
So I vlogged today for the first time in ages. I also joined livestrong.com and accepted a dare to lose weight. Instead of a lengthy blog I will just link to my vlog which is rather boring today.
As of right this moment the vlog is still 'processing' but it will be up soon at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMZimoO9XLU
Posted by Vanessa at 8:34 PM 0 comments
10 November 2008
day 10
I wrote a lot more last night, including what I think may be the last paragraph of the novel. I sat with a notebook and actually wrote by hand about 5 pages worth and need to add it in but I will probably do that tomorrow because today I want to do more of that later.
I am really tired today despite going back to sleep. I believe I am getting sick and need to take my vitamin. Today I looked in the mirror and caught a glimpse of my aunt who I greatly dislike and so that's true motivation to me. Tomorrow I am headed straight to the gym ASAP.
Eric had follow up for his kidney disease today. The medicine is working and has cut the protein number in half. He goes back again in a month and will likely be put on cholesterol medication but the doctor was great and is still very hopeful things will 'resolve' as much as possible on their own and he can likely come off the steroids in 2-3 more months.
Posted by Vanessa at 6:58 PM 0 comments
09 November 2008
day 9
Last night I went to a benefit in order to raise money for the medical care of a 20 month old boy who was burnt. I've never been to one of these events before but it was nice. It was at the FD where Eric works and I'd say over the course of the night at least 400 people came. It was $10 to get in and they held raffles. I hope they got as much as they needed for the medical bills. It was a nice time.
I went to see Jonathan's team play basketball today in a memorial tournament for the assistant coach of his 3rd grade team. He had a pretty good rebound. They are the only team from the school, 6 in all, to advance to next weeks games.
So I did a lot of research on this idea I had for the book of sending some characters to a theme park in England or Wales and I didn't like them so I don't think I'm going that route. I'm pretty disappointed in that but what I wanted wouldn't make any sense in these places. I may scrap the idea entirely or alter it. I am really bothered by this idea of scrapping it because it seemed so vital to what I wanted but in order to make it work I'd have to send them to Disneyland Paris and I didn't want to include Paris in it. I have no interest in Paris.
Posted by Vanessa at 2:10 PM 0 comments
08 November 2008
Christmas goal
In order to meet my goal of 25,000 words by Christmas I need to write approximately 500 words per day every day from tomorrow until Christmas
Posted by Vanessa at 4:25 PM 0 comments
day 8
I am so thrilled I discovered you can change your template with an outside template and not the templates they allow you. I really like my new template. I think it's very lovely. I have a few others I will probably try out eventually. I don't like that my title had to change because it was so big it overlapped other things.
Anyway, so I am hoping to spend some time writing later today. I have several ideas for the book that I really need to get out of the notebook and onto the screen. I dreamed about it last night. I dreamed I was someone observing the story as it happened in a real life situation and it made me so happy to think of in that way.
I am listening to Mika - Love Today as I type this and I want to get up and dance...guess that would help my weight loss quite a bit. ETA: I found this picture last night when I thought about finding an image for every post I do but I decided not to do that. I even posted and left the picture out but realized I couldn't quite get the picture out of my head and I am thinking of writing a short story about this picture to post later in the week. I have something working in my head but we'll see where it goes. I hope my blog isn't boring to anyone. I am trying to think of exciting things to put in here but it's not very exciting being me lately, not bad just dull.
Posted by Vanessa at 11:07 AM 1 comments
07 November 2008
day 7
I am thrilled I made it this far writing every day.
I went to the library yesterday to pick up a list of books holding for me and when I got home I checked the page because I knew I was high on the list for a couple others and it figured the 1 book I wanted most was holding. I ended up going back last night alone and wandered the CD aisle while waiting for the line to shrink. I picked up 3 cd's which make me so extremely happy because I think they're wonderful singers. First was Ray LaMontagne who has some extremely beautiful songs such as Trouble and Hold you in my arms. He has a voice that doesn't seem to fit with the music that comes out these days. He is a throwback in my opinion but i enjoy him very very much. Next I got Paolo Nutini. I love his voice as well. He's got this sexy gravelly voice and then you can pick up the accent subtly in some of his songs and it makes it sexier, especially the song Loving You. I also picked up Mika which is just fun to turn up really really loud and sing along and dance around to.
I also picked up 2 discs of Roswell and the series 1 set of Robin Hood to rewatch. I'm first in line for Robin Hood series 2 and holding for some Elliott Smith CDs. It's a shame that the music world lost him so soon. He made such beautiful and haunting music.
I have to clean and put on real clothes. The cable guy is coming to fix some sort of issue we're having because we can't get a few channels to work that we have. My back is so stiff today though that's it's all I can do not to go just lay on the bed flat as can be and not move at all.
Posted by Vanessa at 10:46 AM 0 comments
06 November 2008
day 6
This is a picture of Roald Dahl Plass at night with Mermaid Quay in the background. I believe that just behind the picture taker is Millenium Centre and the Water Tower but I've never been there. I've only seen photos but I think that's the layout. This place, this picture, inspires me more than anything. If only I could go there and be there and soak in what inspires me so about the place. The first time I saw it on television I knew that somehow it meant somethign to me. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me. I feel so drawn to a place I may never go that I have to create a story that focuses there...
Posted by Vanessa at 2:18 PM 0 comments
05 November 2008
day 5
Okay so let me get this out of the way. I am so sad about Prop 8. I hope they find a way to overturn this decision. In my opinion the vote was too close for it to really be a pass/fail issue.
Anyway, today I went shopping and did my 2009 prep. I got a new desk blotter and a new planner book. Not a big planner but a small monthly planner which is how I keep track of my bills and the dates they are due. I am very pleased with what I found. I looked for the Twilight soundtrack at Walmart but didn't see it. I was disappointed with that.
I left the DONE girl group. I just couldn't deal with all of it and I was doing so well but then I didn't check email for a day and I felt so snowed under that I was lost and just finally quit today after saying I would for more than 2 weeks.
I am going to attempt to head to the gym tonight. I have a bad headache and I'd rather just toss some pizzas in for the kids and call it a day. Plus I've got a few movies to watch and a ton of laundry to finish.
I need to run to the library but will probably wait until tomorrow afternoon to see if anything else I requested comes in. They have the Eminem book on hold for me and I think that will be a really interesting read.
Anyway, I'm rather boring on day 5...hopefully something exciting happens tomorrow
Posted by Vanessa at 4:17 PM 2 comments
04 November 2008
day 4
Okay so I voted. Now just to wait until the results start pouring in. I am excited and nervous. I really hope that my candidate wins. I also hope that Prop 8 fails in California.
Okay now on to less controversial subjects...
I didn't go to the gym yesterday but I did rake leaves in my backyard so I count that toward my exercise. I will go to the gym tomorrow and plan to use the treadmill here tonight.
I haven't done a thing today so I don't really have a lot to talk about. I hope day 5 is more exciting.
I am going to go watch somethign and then clean the house and maybe edit this to add more later, especially if election results come in later today.
Posted by Vanessa at 12:41 PM 0 comments
03 November 2008
day 3
Okay so after a very dramatic night last night it looks as if I'll be quitting the store. I did NOT go in today and I just have no idea how to deal with the situation. I am applying for new transcription jobs and hopefully I'll have 1 within the week. I feel like I put a lot of effort into something that just wasn't worth it in the long run. He started talking about having issue paying me anyway so I guess I don't feel as bad about quitting on him.
So my favorite singer is Craig David and he has this new song called Insomnia that I can't get out of my head. I can't wait for the CD to come out in December even though it'll cost me $30 to buy it because it's an import. He needs to grow his facial hair back because he looks horrid without it.
Okay enough of a rant about that. I lost my notes I made for the book and searched frantically for them and then realized I'd put them in a safe place and about had a fit when I couldn't find that either. Luckily it was right here on my desk. I wrote them down in my normal place.
As a reminder to everyone, I don't care who you vote for tomorrow but PLEASE vote! On a side note, if you live in California please vote no on Prop 8. This world doesn't need more hate in it.
Posted by Vanessa at 4:03 PM 0 comments
02 November 2008
day 2
So I ended up working like 7.5 hours yesterday. I thought i was going in for like 3 or 4 hours and I was extremely wrong about that. So one of my off days was ruined. I need to clean and I have several movies to watch when I finish cleaning. I haven't done much today though and it's 2 pm. I clipped coupons, made the boys clean their room and I think that might be it. I should get off my ass at some point and actually do this.
So Friday before I went to work I went to the gym and got a body fat analysis. I chose to see the nice female trainer, Annie. I'm not thrilled with my BMI or % of fat. I was bloated and up 7 pounds which is usual for my 'time of the month'. My BMI was 35.9 but according to sparkpeople it's actually 34.8. I think I'll average that and say I'm 35.35ish. My body fat is 41.15% which is an average of 2 tests. I am not thrilled with this but she asked what I do and I told her I come to the gym 3 times a week and try to walk around and get up more and do exercise videos and track my food and she recommended water aerobics for my fibro and I think I might take a class tomorrow. She didn't push me to hire a trainer which thrilled me.
I am having a really hard time with sparkpeople. I can't seem to motivate back to using it. I haven't read a single post in a week at least. I think I need to be DONE with the DONE team. It's just too damn overwhelming. I don't know what to do really.
Okay so that completes my requirement for day 2...
Posted by Vanessa at 2:00 PM 1 comments
01 November 2008
day 1
I will be blogging every day for the next 30 days. I have joined a challenge but I don't think I'll be directly in the challenge because I'm too busy to actually do it.
Anyway so I guess I'll start with what I've been doing lately. I worked all this week at the deli and might go in today. I've been helping to get it organized and I am trying to bring ideas to the store in an effort to help get it really up and running. I like doing it, being out of the house for 1 thing and even though it isn't my store I really feel like I could make my own mark on this store that will help keep it open and keep me working outside of the house. I think I could actually have a life this way. I've offered to make the soups to be served during the week. (Break to find a good song - went with Music for Elevators fronted by Anthony Stewart Head...good ole Giles.)
I've been writing down a lot of ideas for storylines for the book but haven't had a real chance to sit down and type them up but I'll probably be doing that tonight or tomorrow night. It's such a foreign idea to me to NOT spend 8 hours a day at the computer. I really like it actually. I miss chatting with Taryn like I usually do but I like not sitting in this chair all the time.
I guess I better get some housework done in case I do go into the store so that I have less to do when I get home. Plus I have to save something to write about tomorrow
Posted by Vanessa at 12:05 PM 1 comments